Tag Archives: wall street

NYC | People

31 Jan

I came back with the best of impressions about New Yorkers! They are really nice, helpful and ready to chat!
It was unbelievable how many times people started conversations on the streets, bars, but specially cafes and restaurants! Usually they asked to seat on my table and started talking and talking and talking! It was so fun! And I was there listening and chatting with a complete stranger with the biggest poker face ever, wondering “Is this normal here or am I just on a lucky strike!”
Check out some photos I took to some cool people in NYC :) (compressed or else it would take ages to upload)

Banksy Creation @ Occupy London

28 Oct

Banksy couldn’t miss this one!

To show his support for “Occupy Together” movement against corporate greed and corruption, the artist Banksy offered a new sculpture to the Occupy London protesters at St.Paul’s Cathedral.


Occupy Wall Street, that now became Occupy Together, is getting bigger and bigger.

If you’re not aware of what’s going on yet, see this tiny video

It’s Happening!!!

20 Oct

Power To The People!

It’s Happening NOW!

I must say that I love these people and everything they are doing for us.

You may think this is just one more manifestation that will end just like the others and everything will be the same old same. You may be the one who thinks that what they are doing is silly, because the “big ones” will always win. You may even think that the governments, corporations, banks and media aren’t a well-organized dark system, that is controlling the world and everything you eat, see or like.

You may even think that you should just do what they tell you to and believe everything your TV says.

Maybe you just want to get a job, get married, have kids, respect the law, watch TV and go on Facebook. “Because that’s what life is about, that’s what it is!”

Well… that’s why I appreciate what these people, out there on the streets, are doing! They’re fighting against the system, for a better life and even for you! They are fighting for OUR rights! They are claiming real Freedom, they are claiming the Truth!

You may not realize it yet but “the truth will set you free” in wonderful an unimaginable ways!

The people screaming, sleeping, eating, getting beaten and gassed on the streets all over the world just woke up! They woke up and saw all the lies, the corruption, the manipulation, the injustices and said ENOUGH! “We don’t want to take this anymore, we want and deserve a better life. How can 1% have everything and 99% have nothing! Only their miserable money, that is feeding the rich!”

Even Marines and Air Force joined the fight!

This is the Global Awakening!

The secret is to wake up, let the fear go and the love get in.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand it yet, meanwhile we are fighting for you too:)

 Of the People. By the People. For the People.

Meanwhile around the world…
















We are One!

This is not about violence. This is a movement about love, human rights, equity and freedom! This is about being ONE and work together for a better future. This is about the People!

I AM THE 99%. Whose side are you on?

Join @ http://www.occupytogether.org/