Tag Archives: bracelets

Mara Hoffman | Spring 2012

27 Feb

Ethnic Trend strikes again…

PFO | Bracelet for Women Safety

12 Apr

PFO is a new line of bracelets with embedded GPS and alarm systems.

These Bracelets are mostly built for women. Basically, when you’re in trouble you can pull the bracelet and an alarm is sent to your “shields”. With the basic service you can choose 3 people you trust the most to be your shields, but with the premium service a security firm will be responsible for your protection – G4S.



How does it work?

When you’re in trouble and pull the Bracelet the people you set as your shield will receive a text message with your exact location.

Everyone knows that the world is getting crazy. With the multiple natural disasters and the economic crisis, more and more people are left without their homes, food and, sometimes, without their family. For that reason, many of them find themselves forced to run amuck and attack/steal others as a form of protest or just to survive.

Obviously this is not happening everywhere, but nowadays we should think and care more about our security.

This is a recent project and the bracelets aren’t available or priced yet. However, the black one is available to pre-order for delivery in July 2011.