Tag Archives: vacations

NYC Music

31 Jan

You know that song that is always playing during your vacations? Well, I had that on NYC too. There are 3 songs that remind me of this trip!

1º Edge of Glory | Lady Gaga

The first song that I heard in NYC in Gaga’s concert

2º Rolling in the Deep | Adele

Always playing in every store I entered, was the hit during that 2 weeks and the radio stations loved it!

3º Firework | Katy Perry

I dedicate this one to my friend that was an amazing host! He knows why! LOL. While walking around in NY, we kept singing this song, it gets stuck in your head somehow… :)

Where is Fash&Mark?

27 May

Hi there, my beloved readers!

I’ll be out for some days for my well-deserved vacations. I don’t know if I’ll have internet access yet, but I hope I will.

I’ve prepared some posts to publish during my absence, but it won’t be that easy to answer to your comments. However you should keep visiting and commenting :p

I’m going to visit a huge city and capital of the World. And I’m really really excited about it!

I love to know new places, new people, new cultures and languages… Basically I love everything that’s new to me!

I aim to be a “person of the world”. What is that? Well, I would love to travel all over the world and live in different cities every now and then, I’d love to learn a new thing every day and meet new people too. And I’m definitely up to work abroad! Change it’s kind of my middle name or I hope it to be…

I always wanted to visit this city and  just to be able to put my feet there, it’s totally worthy!

So for now, I’ll only play tourist for some days and I’ll chat with everyone I can; and when I come back I’ll tell you everything about it and hopefully show you tons of pics too :)

Wish me luck!

One hint: It’s one of these cities, wanna guess? :p